Property for sale in Rascanya, Valencia City

If you are looking to invest in a property such as an apartment, penthouse or townhouse in and around the outskirts of the city centre, purchasing a resale or reduced price property for sale in Rascanya is always a great option.

With our local knowledge and experience, we can find the right property based on your needs. Valencia city is divided into 19 districts. One of these is the Rascanya district, with the neighborhoods of Orriols, Torrefiel and San Lorenzo.

Take a few moments and browse through our database of continuously updated Valencia City and region new and resale properties. If you can’t find what you are looking for, don’t worry – you can contact us directly and we will find your dream property for you!

Dream Properties Valencia is Valencia’s leading estate agent, specializing in the sale of Spanish villas, townhouses, apartments and penthouses at many price levels.

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Dream Properties Valencia is Certified Estate Agent based in Valencia and meets all legal requirements to carry out the profession of estate agent in the Comunidad Valenciana.
