
Best neighborhoods Valencia city

The best neighborhoods in Valencia city

As real estate agents, we know that it is hard to pinpoint one specific neighborhood as the best. What is the ideal neighborhood for one person, might be too busy for another, or too quiet, or something else that stands out or is missing. Don't worry, we have listed the best neighborhoods in Valencia city for you. Whether you are buying, renting or just exploring here, this is the guide according to local...

Municipal plans Valencia city

Municipal plans Valencia city for the next 10 years

Valencia is the ideal city for us! It has the history, the architecture, the restaurants, the parks, the beach, and all that combined with the perfect weather. Could it get any better, you might think? If we are to believe the municipality's plans: definitely! More greenery, better connections between neighborhoods and more space for relaxing. See what municipal plans for Valencia City we can expect in the...

Chiringuitos Valencia beach

Chiringuitos in Valencia, the ultimate beach day

What a marvelous city Valencia is. One minute you’re in the historic center, the next you’re on the mile-long sandy beach. One of our favorite beaches is the Patacona beach in the neighboring town of Alboraya. The colorful low-rise houses and palm trees give an instant vacation feeling, but in the summer it’s even more fun: that’s when the chiringuitos are there! We would like to tell you more...

golf in Valencia

Golfing in Valencia? Discover the golf courses in the region

Valencia, the region of oranges, paella, horchata and… golf courses? Yes, in the surroundings of Valencia there are several impressive golf courses, suitable for both beginners and experienced golfers. Valencia is known as an environment with a lot of greenery and beautiful landscapes, making it a perfect place for beautiful golf courses. Top that off with the beautiful weather and you will understand...

Dream Properties Valencia in Ruzafa

Valencia districts: Ruzafa in Ensanche (Eixample)

Let's start right away with the fact that it is not without reason that the headquarters of Dream Properties Valencia is located in the Ruzafa district. This lively and cosy neighbourhood always cheers us up. Ruzafa (Russafa in Valencian) is part of the district Ensanche ( also known as L'Eixample). And one thing is certain; Ruzafa can rightly be called the most trendy area of Valencia. A good and lively...

Patraix Valencia

Valencia districts: Patraix

When you think of buying a flat in Valencia, you might quickly end up in the Ruzafa, El Carmen or Cabanyal districts. If you're looking for more competitive square metre prices, it doesn't hurt to look beyond these popular neighbourhoods. We take you on a discovery tour of Patraix. A small village inside a city. Quiet, but the centre of Valencia within reach. And don't forget the cosy but friendly...

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Dream Properties Valencia is Certified Estate Agent based in Valencia and meets all legal requirements to carry out the profession of estate agent in the Comunidad Valenciana.
